Pass PHP variables between template files

If you need to pass a variable between template files, there will be many ways to do that. one more common way, not preferable way according to me is using Global variables. For example you have instance of class, save it in Global variable and now you will be able to use it throughout the […]

Build a HTML Form From Scratch and Use in WordPress Post/Pages

You have many plugin to use form in your post/pages and they can do great job for you. but what about creating a simple form by own-self from scratch and use that in your posts? so lets start with simple coding style and create a form with three field <form action=”” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data” name=”form” > […]

How To Send E-mails From Server – Sample Test

Here is simplest script for sending emails from your server.This is the simplest emailer you can use and have in PHP. If this does not work, then the PHP email configuration is bad! First declare a variable for status message.which will be used to show message for your email send or not. [php] <?php $status=""; […]