Today Was a Day – Active and Some Sleepy

Today i woke up early in the morning about 5:45 AM. this was amazing in my last 6 month history. last sixth month i spent with a different schedule. i started jogging after a long time. Ah i can’t tell how i feel when i cross the point of 1 mile at first day , i was like a website in IE6 browser, best fit.

This all realize me what’s going on with my body and fitness, i realize i need to fix myself and i realize lot of other things for which i need to take care. A restful life is good but not acceptable to body, i must accept a jogging in the running always make me more strong and healthy. So this is the thing i will not miss again. i am sure i will cross the point of 5 mile within week or two.

A Programmer have no life – Some One said 100% true. A programmer schedule is always tough. A boring day always make you philosopher, don’t take me serious. its just a time or you can say i have nothing to do, so philosophizing.

Continue.. then i did some exercise and then back to home and after taking a shower/breakfast i started on some some calculus stuff (just leave it) . light was gone as usual. on 9:00 AM it was back and i turn on my laptop but i was not having any special thing to do today. so i was surfing web and wishing happy birthday on Facebook to friends. Facebook is not always helpful to give you entertainment in the way you may be need, but i respect it as most amazing and big social network.

Today i also observed core of Codeignitor, i like this framework too much. clean and well-written and well-commented code. whenever i get time i like to watch its libraries and core code.

Some music and a movie that was in my torrent list , that all was my day.

i grab a YouTube URL for you. its Enrique song with bitbull , i am sure you will enjoy this.

[kkytv id=”klk8QPcfFYQ” width=”500″ height=”400″]