Stackoverflow is the best online question/answer community for programmer, but i have observed from last many week its down sometime and also a major issue of browser compatibility. before this i was thinking its only with FirFox updated version but then i test it with all other browser, but no one is recognizing it in the way it was before. So i am sure its some big issue going with Stackoverflow, and No One is taking care of it. i am sure these should be very small issues for a large and awesome community of stackoverflow , becuase i used stackoverflow from last many years. this is biggest source of practical problem solutions website. Its too much sad thing to see in this condition.
Why This Kolaveri Di – A Viral Song from Tamil Movie
Tamil movie 3 was released in march but its songs were released on few month before in November. and one of movie song “Why This Kolaveri Di” become viral on social networks, it was Written and sung by Dhanush, the song was composed by music director Anirudh. if you will search on YouTube you will find dozens of videos and version for this songs. Sonu Nagam Son also try this song and that was cutest version of this song and was also appreciated by Dhanush. Dhanush also enjoy a dinner from India Prime Minister and Japanese prime mister was also there. this song also got gold meddle from YouTube for most viewed during week.
[kkytv id=”YR12Z8f1Dh8″ width=”500″ height=”400″]
C-Panel Stupid FTP Feature – i Can’t Forget That Day
Few days back i did my biggest mistake in my professional life, i was feeling like i am gonna kill myself. everything was OK at the end but that all i can’t forget that all. I worked for a client from USA on some of his website. mostly my work related to modifications. i was having login info for whole C-Panel, and about 20 or more websites were hosted on that C-Panel. I am using C-Panel from last many years. So this problem is not related poor skills but to technical deficiencies. I am very proficient in using C-Panel or Plesk Panel etc. its actually one stupid feature in C-Panel for which i am writing this post.
So, by mistake when i was doing modifications, i created FTP for whole Cpanel and that covering All Files hosted and website. but i realize i should create FTP for only that website which actually need modifications. So then i deleted FTP that was created for whole Cpanel and in hurry i choose option “DELETE FTP and FILES” .. No Warning Message.. Direct Operation.. you can’t imagine it was only a second or part of second when i realized what i actually did… Whole server was empty within seconds in the front of my eyes……. YES i deleted entire server and all files. you can’t imagine it was worst thing happen in my life. i was not ready to believe that happened all in actual. i was shocked. i was really too much shocked. i contacted client and told him about all situation, he was also shocked but that time was not to for that, he contacted support and technical team ASAP and they started their operation, after 1 hour of hard work we were able to restore everything to original position. nothing was lost during that operation. but we can’t forget those moments we spend until everything was restored. all those website were live and having traffic.
That was human mistake, but also part of Cpanel feature, this type of operation should create warning messages. so it can more reduce damage. if there was an error message for me when i push that button then that all was not going to happen.
at the end i want to say thanks to my client. he is one of best clients i have ever worked for.. we agreed on that this was human mistake as well as technical mistake in Cpanel. and major thing is that humans always learn from mistakes, that was thing that teach me some lessons.
The Three Musketeers 3-D – A Full of Graphic Movie
The Three Musketeers was released in 2011 and this is a 3-D movie with nice graphics and nice shoot scenes. if you love graphics, then this is the movie for you. I got BrRip print and that was too nice print to watch, this keep me busy throughout whole movie.
[kkytv id=”mQd3MwT2fAM” width=”500″ height=”400″]