Change WordPress language

If you want install WordPress in your language, you need to download WordPress language version form WordPress. For example to install WordPress in Spanish you need to download WordPress version in Spanish from

But if you have already installed WordPress, its also possible to convert your WordPress blog into your preffered language. these are few easy steps which are required to change language.

  1. first download language file from and copied it into a new directory ‘/wp-content/languages/’. most probably it will already exist. but if not you need to create this directory.
  2. Now locate wp-config.php file which is exist in main installation folder.
  3. edit wp-config file and find following line in this file.

define (‘WPLANG’, ”);

by default i will be empty. you need to change it to your language code.

define (‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);


That’s all. you language of WordPress installation is changed to your preferred language.

Overrding woocommerce templates in theme folder

Woocommerce is definately a perfect plugin for WordPress to use as e-commerce solution. it have lot of space of ability to extend and modify its features to use for our purpose.

One of its great feature is overriding its templates, this features works in the same way like WordPress child themes work. In the same way like WordPress tempalte engine Woocommerce look for a file in “your-theme/woocommerce/template-name” first, if file exist then it will use that file as overrided template. else in the case it will use original Woocommerce tempales folder files.

This great feature saves your changes to a overided folder in your theme, whenever plugin upgrades your changes will not be lost.

lets take a example, you want to modify a file order-details.php in order tempate folder:


Now make a directory in your theme folder named “woocommerce” and copy this file to:


and make your changes. at updgrade time your changes will remain saved in that folder. in the same way your can make changes to all templates in woocommerce folder.