Overrding woocommerce templates in theme folder

Woocommerce is definately a perfect plugin for WordPress to use as e-commerce solution. it have lot of space of ability to extend and modify its features to use for our purpose. One of its great feature is overriding its templates, this features works in the same way like WordPress child themes work. In the same […]

List Recent Posts from Specific Category – WordPress

You can list post from specific category by query_posts() function. it will take one or two parameters, one is category name and 2nd is no of post to show. like following code is showing exactly how it work. <?php query_posts(‘category_name=internet&showposts=5’); ?> and full code to show posts <?php query_posts(‘category_name=internet&showposts=5’); ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); […]

Build a HTML Form From Scratch and Use in WordPress Post/Pages

You have many plugin to use form in your post/pages and they can do great job for you. but what about creating a simple form by own-self from scratch and use that in your posts? so lets start with simple coding style and create a form with three field <form action=”” method=”post” enctype=”multipart/form-data” name=”form” > […]

Wp-redirect To Use In WordPress Post and Pages

You have many plugin which can do redirection for you and are great at doing your job. but sometime you many need to redirect user after some specific event or task. like if user click on some button, it should go to some specific page in your WordPress website or outside to some website. at […]