Express.Js Middleware, What is next()?

You may have noticed use of next() function while looking at node.js code. Express is a routing web framework which utilize essentially a series of middleware calls. piece of code for a simple route could be like bellow. app.get(‘/users/:id’, function(req, res) { // logic to fetch user for provided id. }); and with a additional parameter next app.get(‘/users/:id’, […]

Web development is war of tools these days!

Today development is war of tools. more better tools lead to faster turn around. a better tool could help you to achieve the same task in few minutes which you are expected to finish in hours. I can give you idea of many tools in this article which really makes life easy. during development you […]

Soccer Blitzkrieg – Germany Vs Brazil

Brazil goes down, Germany was overwhelming and spectacular. In tweets and popular media, terms used “Soccer Blitzkrieg”. term known as “blitzkrieg” is a highly mobile form of infantry and armour working in combined arms teams. It is more meaningful to Germans,  forces a breakthrough into the enemy’s line of defense through a series of short, fast, powerful attacks. yes this was German tactical and operational methodology during world […]