“The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially known as the Games of the XXX Olympiad or “London 2012 Olympic Games”, are scheduled to take place in London, England, United Kingdom from 27 July to 12 August 2012. London will become the first city to officially host the modern Olympic Games three times,having previously done so in 1908 and in 1948.” (From Wikipedia)
So be get ready say most warm welcome to 2012 Summer Olympic Games.
The Olympic Games is a biggest international event featuring summer and winter sports, thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions and represent their countries.
This time when Olympics where announced about nine cities including Havana, Istanbul, Leipzig, London, Madrid, Moscow, New York City, Paris and Rio de Janeiro had submitted bids to host the 2012 Olympics and finally London got the position.
Worldwide biggest companies are sponsors of this event in which Acer, Atos, Coca Cola, Dow Chemical Company, General Electric, McDonald’s, Omega SA, Panasonic, Procter & Gamble, Samsung, VISA. so in this way LONDON (Reuters) – Organisers of the London Olympics are set to meet their target of raising 2 billion pounds to help stage the Games this summer.
Britain has also put up 9.3 billion pounds public funding to prepare for the Games, most of it to build the Olympic Park, which has transformed a rundown area in London’s east end. Ticket revenues were expected to top 600 million pounds — above an initial forecast for something above 400 million.
Olympics logo has its own specialty and is designed by Wolff Olins and cost £400,000.
As of 4 March 2012, 148 nations have qualified at least one athlete in which Pakistan is also included.
Some representatives of countries which are majority Muslim have complained that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place during the month of Ramadan, which in 2012 occurs from 20 July to 19 August. During Ramadan, Muslims are to fast from sunrise to sunset, which may put Muslim athletes at a disadvantage during the Games. Some Muslims have called for the Olympics to be rescheduled outside this period.
The British government announced in December 2011 that 13,500 members of the armed forces will be in place for the Olympic games, as well as 10,000 police (who will lead the security of the Games). Naval and air assets, including ships situated in the Thames, Eurofighter jets and surface-to-air missiles, will also be deployed as part of the security operation. The cost of security has also increased from 282m to 553m pounds sterling.
These info are mostly taken from Wikipedia, Yahoo.